Homophones quiz!
Which word goes where?
Which word goes where?
Name_____________________________ Date_______________________
Instructions: Underline the clues that help you solve which homophone goes into the blank. Then, write the correct homophone in the blank.
Misspelled homophones = - ½ point
Group one: There, their, they’re
1. I just heard that _____________ all going to the football game tonight.
2. All of a sudden, _______________ was a rustling in the bushes.
3. Last week, Sam went to _____________ picnic and had a great time.
4. I just spoke to your mother, and she said _______________ going to the zoo tomorrow.
5. At what time will you get _______________ ?
6. _________________ friends are always a funny group of people.
Group two: which, witch
7. ______________ person went to the office without a pass?
8. I will dress up as a ________________ for Halloween.
9. Elizabeth was a small girl, ___________ helped her sneak past the security guards.
10. A warlock is a male version of a ________________.
Group three: to, too, two
11. There are _________ many mosquitoes in Washington, DC!
12. All of a sudden, ___________ Great Blue Herons emerged from the cattails.
13. Jason has been _______ Missoula ____________, and he loved it!
14. Going _______ the metro from my house requires me ______ take a bus.
15. Sandy ate _______ much candy this Halloween, and now her stomach hurts.
16. ____________ students walked ________ the 7-11 after school.
Group Four: are, our
17. ________ special family recipes are a secret.
18. Three chaperones _______ joining us on this field trip.
19. Four score and seven years ago, ____________ founding fathers gathered….
20. ___________ you going to Harper’s Ferry this year?
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